
Work charging me for clothes they require

I work for a Community First Credit Union which started out amazing I thought they were one of a kind and a great company. Now yes I realize how naive that was but I’m only 20 and this is my first job outside of retail and food. Turns out they’re crooked af duh. Anyways I finally found a better job after being miserable for months. I have my two weeks and the next day I was notified that I will have to pay back for the clothes they require us to wear with the company logo. This was $300 worth of clothes they allotted me. I asked why I would have to pay back for clothes I have to leave here when my two weeks are up. Apparently in the employee handbook (which they never give you or go over it with you or even tell you where to find…

I work for a Community First Credit Union which started out amazing I thought they were one of a kind and a great company. Now yes I realize how naive that was but I’m only 20 and this is my first job outside of retail and food. Turns out they’re crooked af duh. Anyways I finally found a better job after being miserable for months. I have my two weeks and the next day I was notified that I will have to pay back for the clothes they require us to wear with the company logo. This was $300 worth of clothes they allotted me. I asked why I would have to pay back for clothes I have to leave here when my two weeks are up. Apparently in the employee handbook (which they never give you or go over it with you or even tell you where to find it) they state that there is an accrual system which means that if I leave before a year of employment I have to pay them back. This was never discussed with me. They do have a document that says that I might have to pay back depending on when I leave but it never gives the amount or how long I have to stay. They think they’re doing me a favor by letting me know they’ll be taking $300 out of my next check. This has pissed me off beyond belief as i cannot afford to have that much taken out of my check. Not to mention the countless hours of overtime, volunteering, and just straight up unpaid extra shit I did for them because I genuinely thought I struck gold when I got this job. Yes it was stupid to put in all that extra time but I can’t change things now so please disregard that when you go to comment. What I’m really trying to get to is can I somehow get around this stupid policy so I don’t lose $300 of hard earned money or is there Atleast something I can do with the clothes that gives them a big “fuck you”. Lots of teens work at this bank too I hope they change their policy before any other young workers end up losing out on their earned check. I never even knew companies could do this or I would have looked more into things when I was hired on.

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