
Work for a “small” business owner- small comment displays their true mentality.

I work at a local dealership that reports its self as small business owned to the public- community tied, etc etc when they make several million in pure profit every year and the owner either directly owns or is partner with 2 other dealerships, and im sure has other businesses. Anyways- We have daily sales meetings to get the general you arent selling enough rah rah constant growth bullshit, but a few weeks ago they made the comment that “we pay good here” and that employees are buying houses, cars, etc because “we pay good here” – and encouraging us to do the same. Later overheard upper management and owner talking to a coworker that had been there 20yrs+ about how they love it when people buy houses and cars or take on debt because it locks them in to working at the dealership, especially the sales team. This is…

I work at a local dealership that reports its self as small business owned to the public- community tied, etc etc when they make several million in pure profit every year and the owner either directly owns or is partner with 2 other dealerships, and im sure has other businesses.

Anyways- We have daily sales meetings to get the general you arent selling enough rah rah constant growth bullshit, but a few weeks ago they made the comment that “we pay good here” and that employees are buying houses, cars, etc because “we pay good here” – and encouraging us to do the same.

Later overheard upper management and owner talking to a coworker that had been there 20yrs+ about how they love it when people buy houses and cars or take on debt because it locks them in to working at the dealership, especially the sales team.

This is what they think about you and me. Just little slaves, better to buy our debt in bulk.

Sorry for the bad composition, more of a stream of consciousness.

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