
Work hasn’t informed me that I’ll need to clock out to pump.

Just here to rant a little. I work in a chill office setting full time. I never deal with customers, just data processing basically with like 30 other people in cublicles. I'm having a baby at the end of this month, and I was able to negotiate with my manager coming back to work part time. I figured out the hours so that I work 20 hours per week, 3 days a week, 8:30 to 3:30/4:00pm. I am thankful they were willing to work with me on this and agreed to this, or else I would have had to quit and find somewhere else to work. They informed me I was required to take an unpaid lunch, company rules not state rules, but whatever that's fine, so I'm working an extra half hour a day to make up for that. Here's the part that is aggravating to me, a coworker…

Just here to rant a little. I work in a chill office setting full time. I never deal with customers, just data processing basically with like 30 other people in cublicles. I'm having a baby at the end of this month, and I was able to negotiate with my manager coming back to work part time. I figured out the hours so that I work 20 hours per week, 3 days a week, 8:30 to 3:30/4:00pm. I am thankful they were willing to work with me on this and agreed to this, or else I would have had to quit and find somewhere else to work. They informed me I was required to take an unpaid lunch, company rules not state rules, but whatever that's fine, so I'm working an extra half hour a day to make up for that.

Here's the part that is aggravating to me, a coworker who also had a baby a while ago casually mentioned that she has to clock out to pump twice a day. No one in management or HR has informed me that we need to clock out for this. I'm guessing they are going to tell me when I get back from my unpaid maternity leave. So either I cross my fingers and hope I only have to pump once and can do it in the 30 minutes of my unpaid lunch, even though it's best to pump on your baby's feeding schedule, or I have to punch out extra and lose money or stay there longer in the day. Would have been nice to get a heads up from management on this, but they are not very helpful in general and penny pinch anywhere they can. Just feels like they were going to spring this on me when I got back and be like “Sorry thems the rules.” Just thankful my coworker happened to mention it in passing so now I can plan for that.

Maybe I'm just naive and this is normal, but I still find it rude they haven't officially told me. Also most people just dick around the office and talk in the break room for half an hour or longer and aren't working, so it's just kind of shitty that they would make you clock out for this imo with the kind of work environment we have.

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