
Work in the beer industry, love my job but not making enough money, any help?

I’m not familiar with this sub so sorry if this doesn’t fit. I work as a sales rep for a relatively new micro brewery. I like my job a lot, I have basically no supervision and get to make my own hours. The coworkers I rarely get to see are all super cool people, but our management is driving me crazy. My sales are good, but I’m getting straight fucked with improper gas compensation, as well as no insurance or benefits. I’ve reached out to a lot of local breweries in my area but haven’t heard much back. I do love this industry and the role I have but I need money. Both my younger siblings are already making more than me but working shittier jobs.

I’m not familiar with this sub so sorry if this doesn’t fit. I work as a sales rep for a relatively new micro brewery. I like my job a lot, I have basically no supervision and get to make my own hours. The coworkers I rarely get to see are all super cool people, but our management is driving me crazy. My sales are good, but I’m getting straight fucked with improper gas compensation, as well as no insurance or benefits. I’ve reached out to a lot of local breweries in my area but haven’t heard much back. I do love this industry and the role I have but I need money. Both my younger siblings are already making more than me but working shittier jobs.

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