
Work is deducting per diem pay.

My job occasionally sends us out of town for a few days for and pays per diem as they should ($59 per day). About a month ago we went out of town, did our work quickly and we’re able to leave a day early saving the company 1200+ dollars in hotel costs. Company cut our per diem checks prior to us heading out of town and now, over a month later they are telling us that we need to reimburse the company one day of per diem pay because we finished early. I and another coworker voiced our objections and now we’re suppose to have a meeting about this. Just another example of no good deed goes unpunished. Update: Got let go from the company today for ambiguous reasons relating to the amount of upcoming work in the pipeline, I’m not the only one. Not exactly the update I was…

My job occasionally sends us out of town for a few days for and pays per diem as they should ($59 per day). About a month ago we went out of town, did our work quickly and we’re able to leave a day early saving the company 1200+ dollars in hotel costs. Company cut our per diem checks prior to us heading out of town and now, over a month later they are telling us that we need to reimburse the company one day of per diem pay because we finished early. I and another coworker voiced our objections and now we’re suppose to have a meeting about this. Just another example of no good deed goes unpunished.

Got let go from the company today for ambiguous reasons relating to the amount of upcoming work in the pipeline, I’m not the only one. Not exactly the update I was envisioning for this post but that’s life. Just wanna address some of the comments on here discussing the nuances of per diem pay; I never took the position that the company was acting in any illegal fashion by requesting reimbursement but it’s my opinion that’s it’s simply a shitty thing to do. And the argument of “standard practices” doesn’t really hold up to me. Part of the reason of this sub is to point out standard practices shouldn’t be something we accept without pushback. Child labor was standard practice at one point. Slavery was standard practice at one point. The list of examples go on and on. Workers right’s matter, they were and will not be handed down graciously from greedy caps.

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