
Work is denying me pay for 60 hours.

March 15th I was told a call I had was being pulled and they were going to send it to the higher ups, during this time I was to clock in but not log into the phone systems. Read emails, go over my QAs, do training, help out in chat. None of this was in writing. I was still on the schedule and clocking in as usual. Saturday the 26th I was told I was fired, then got a call from HR telling me I will not be paid for my time during suspension. I was never told I was suspended, just that a call was being pulled. Two completely different things. I have called HR back and there is no answer. I can not survive without this check, what is my best course of action?

March 15th I was told a call I had was being pulled and they were going to send it to the higher ups, during this time I was to clock in but not log into the phone systems. Read emails, go over my QAs, do training, help out in chat.

None of this was in writing. I was still on the schedule and clocking in as usual.

Saturday the 26th I was told I was fired, then got a call from HR telling me I will not be paid for my time during suspension. I was never told I was suspended, just that a call was being pulled. Two completely different things.

I have called HR back and there is no answer.

I can not survive without this check, what is my best course of action?

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