
Work is required for society to function.

Downvote me all you want, but I want to say this. Now is working at the connivance store down the street a core part of our society? No. That can be automated. What about city planners? What about jobs that can only be done by a Human? Now what. Even then automation for everyday jobs is in it's infancy. Wether you like it or not, jobs will always exist in one way or the other. We can never end work, only change how it's done.

Downvote me all you want, but I want to say this. Now is working at the connivance store down the street a core part of our society? No. That can be automated. What about city planners? What about jobs that can only be done by a Human? Now what. Even then automation for everyday jobs is in it's infancy. Wether you like it or not, jobs will always exist in one way or the other. We can never end work, only change how it's done.

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