
Work is threatening my job over taking time to be with sick wife.

I work at a restaurant that turned into a food truck after a storm ruined the original building. It does well on pay after tips and the food is good. I've enjoyed working with them because they've been a good team and I've felt very welcomed by them. The last few days have been a struggle with personal issues. My wife got sick and one night after work I took her to the hospital. She stayed 3 nights. The whole while they're running tests and no one can find out what's wrong. Both her and I were very worried and I didn't go to work the following two days due to feeling like I needed to be there with her (not to mention I'm her medical power of attorney and since she was delerious from being sick and having such a high fever she couldn't answer her medical questions for…

I work at a restaurant that turned into a food truck after a storm ruined the original building. It does well on pay after tips and the food is good. I've enjoyed working with them because they've been a good team and I've felt very welcomed by them.

The last few days have been a struggle with personal issues. My wife got sick and one night after work I took her to the hospital. She stayed 3 nights. The whole while they're running tests and no one can find out what's wrong. Both her and I were very worried and I didn't go to work the following two days due to feeling like I needed to be there with her (not to mention I'm her medical power of attorney and since she was delerious from being sick and having such a high fever she couldn't answer her medical questions for the first two days).

Work was understanding for the first day until that night. That night I got a call asking if I was going to work in the morning because it was SOOOOOO hard on one person in particular working without me. I honestly answered saying I wasn't sure but I would try, based on finding out more of what's going on with my wife. She stayed that night and all the next day and so I felt I needed to be there again for her (again, her medical POA). I did show up this morning to work, under the condition that if I get called to pick her up or if anything changed with her that I would go back to be with her. So she calls and said she was being discharged finally since the fever broke and she was feeling much better. When I told my boss I had to go, and explained why (everyone has been in the loop of everything going on), I get told that pretty soon they'll have to start making decisions that are best for business- essentially saying that if I miss more work I'm probably gonna get fired.

It's pretty bs that other coworkers can leave in the middle of the day for things, take a week off drop of a hat, or really whatever they want and be fine but the second I have to leave for a family medical emergency I get told to think of work or leave essentially.

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