
“Work / life balance”

At my corporate job, they often talk about the importance of work life balance. Ever since we’ve been working at home after Covid, I’ve enjoyed being able to wash clothes or dishes during breaks and lunches, saving time not traveling through traffic, etc. It’s been a major increase to my personal morale working at home. However, with working at home, there are new challenges such as my doctors being in town and I live on the outskirts. Therefore, this requires more time than expected when one of my kids get sick. Recently, they gave us a new flex rule. Before, I was able to flex when needed. I didn’t abuse this privilege, but with two kids and two elderly parents to take care of there were many times I would have unexpected appointments. Under the new rules, they say we must request flex ahead of time. For me, if I…

At my corporate job, they often talk about the importance of work life balance. Ever since we’ve been working at home after Covid, I’ve enjoyed being able to wash clothes or dishes during breaks and lunches, saving time not traveling through traffic, etc. It’s been a major increase to my personal morale working at home. However, with working at home, there are new challenges such as my doctors being in town and I live on the outskirts. Therefore, this requires more time than expected when one of my kids get sick.
Recently, they gave us a new flex rule. Before, I was able to flex when needed. I didn’t abuse this privilege, but with two kids and two elderly parents to take care of there were many times I would have unexpected appointments. Under the new rules, they say we must request flex ahead of time.
For me, if I know ahead of time, I’d go ahead and take time off and not need to flex. Flexing is more beneficial to me on those days when I don’t have the PTO already banked. By changing this flex rule, it’s now completely taking away my work life balance.
On top of this, they are asking us to work overtime. But if you take PTO you don’t get paid overtime rates unless you physically work over 40.
It just doesn’t make sense to me that you would not let me flex my hours, yet ask me to work outside of my normal hours for overtime. Why not just let some of those hours take care of that time I needed for the appointment? Am I being unreasonable about my thoughts here?

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