I believe in every generation contributing their insights into the betterment of society. Somewhere around the 60s and ever after especially with the internet culture and ideas sped up expenantially and mainstream society has not been able to keep up, hence why there's a mismatch between our understanding and the daily output we do in society.
The right to work, Henry Ford style factories etc was cutting edge during it's time, and that generation of people were content with having a job title and sitting behind a desk their whole life. Post WW2 and shit a lot of this made sense and was humane considering the alternatives but we have moved on A LOT . Fact is the entire work system in the advent of high speed internet and with a more highly educated middle class seems antiquated, we do not share the same values as our predecessors did because in every respect we occupy different zeitgeists.
I've seen what work can do to people, the monotony, the low status, the repetitive grinding for survival that just barely allows you to go on without being homeless. I've seen the jaded, lifeless look in some workers and yo how can this be tolerated when it's economic slavery? Pulling this kinda game tricking people into thinking they are free while receiving a little allowance lol.. doesn't matter if your a lawyer too, work fucks people up IF they do not truly follow their heart. Remember that positive open minded spirit most had from childhood i to their middle 20s then at some point the realization dawn's on most.
Thankfully some realize it early and take counter measures to ensure a happy life but some get chewed up and spat out 4 life. Beware of the devil in a suit!
Digitalization, crypto, robotic work force and so on, we need to keep improving society for the sake of our children and theirs. Those before us who stood for sound causes didn't die in vain.
Work for some reason has gone under the radar because it is deemed positive but we cannot ignore we are working ourselves to death, the childish shaming being called lazy if you question it?
I wanna see change, thank God for this subreddit, we need to share and teach whatever valuable insights possible! #antiwork, we can do LIFE better!