
Work requires a write up if you don’t have enough PTO time to cover a shift, even if you’re deathly ill.

Long story short, I made the mistake of eating out last night and have what I assume is food poisoning. I've been in and out of the bathroom for the past 3 hours and I doesn't seem like it's letting up any time soon. I started a new job four weeks ago, went over sick time with my boss, was told it's a “situational basis” and as long as it doesn't become a habit they just want people to be healthy and feeling their best to help their clientele. Great. Ask if there's anything else with the policy I need to know, she says that's about what there is too it, there's a write up process if it's too often but I can find it in the employee handbook, that requires me to take time from my training to find, to see more. Fast Forward: wake up at 6, both…

Long story short, I made the mistake of eating out last night and have what I assume is food poisoning. I've been in and out of the bathroom for the past 3 hours and I doesn't seem like it's letting up any time soon. I started a new job four weeks ago, went over sick time with my boss, was told it's a “situational basis” and as long as it doesn't become a habit they just want people to be healthy and feeling their best to help their clientele. Great. Ask if there's anything else with the policy I need to know, she says that's about what there is too it, there's a write up process if it's too often but I can find it in the employee handbook, that requires me to take time from my training to find, to see more.

Fast Forward: wake up at 6, both ends being a problem over some chicken, send a text to the manager I know will be working today to call me when it's safe to do so. He doesn't. Wait a little longer, I give him a call and he answers. Tell him “Hey, I'm so sorry. I sent a message but I just wanted to follow up with you. I'm really sick, been in and out of the bathroom since six this morning. What can we do here because I don't think I can stand for six hours while this is going on. I think I need to take a sick day.”

He says “oh no! I'm so sorry. Do you have enough PTO time to cover the day?”

Me, expecting it to be a the PTO time will cover the 4 hours you have and then the rest is unpaid situation: “Yeah, I have 4, nearly 5 hours. I work for 6. That should be fine right?”

Him: “Well…usually your PTO covers the whole shift and if it doesn't you get written up and don't get your quarterly raise. So you can stay home, I don't want to force you, I just want you to be aware of that practice.”

So essentially my options are either use up my 4 hours and 50 minutes of PTO time, then go in for an hour and suffer, or get written up and lose out on what is AT MOST a .25 to .50 raise. I told him I'd at least be taking the morning off, because I haven't left my bathroom floor. In fact, I'm still sitting on my bathroom floor as I type this, just waiting to throw up or get the stomach gurgles again, and really debating if we're getting written up on Monday over an hour and 10 minutes and some food poisoning.

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