
Workcover advice/workplace advice

So I’m a supervisor in the boning room of a meatworks in Australia. On Monday I was helping out slicing flanks when we had a changeover (people run out to bathrooms during batch changeovers but have to notify a supervisor (we’re like the workers managers and we got managers that manage us to). I had a Boner run out to the bathroom without telling anyone and my production manager threw the chain on staring the next batch (category/quality of meat). One of the boners yelled out to me to cut out (cut out means cover his spot) old mate who went to the bathroom. After one hindquarter and a chuck rib I’ve managed to cut across my left forearm. The doctor has had said I’m at no capacity to work on the work cover forms. But my boss wants me to go back and get it amended to say i…

So I’m a supervisor in the boning room of a meatworks in Australia. On Monday I was helping out slicing flanks when we had a changeover (people run out to bathrooms during batch changeovers but have to notify a supervisor (we’re like the workers managers and we got managers that manage us to). I had a Boner run out to the bathroom without telling anyone and my production manager threw the chain on staring the next batch (category/quality of meat). One of the boners yelled out to me to cut out (cut out means cover his spot) old mate who went to the bathroom. After one hindquarter and a chuck rib I’ve managed to cut across my left forearm. The doctor has had said I’m at no capacity to work on the work cover forms. But my boss wants me to go back and get it amended to say i can keep it clean and dry at work so I can work one handed. Because as a supervisor I don’t need both arms.

My main point is I’ve got a hole in my arm stitched up and I want a few days to adjust before I go back into work. His main point is he has a manager covering my position while I’m off.

Am I just a sook or is my boss pushing me too much

Can supply pictures of cut just haven’t as they are a little gruesome to the innocent eye

the cut (gruesome warning)

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