
Worked 50 hour weeks for 6 months at this slow, sketchy bar. Was late today and got this text.

I was late today, but I have never opened the bar a minute late. I was the only bartender for 6 months. The bar is “deep in gang territory” according to our local news. A murder happened in the parking lot a year ago. I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in making it way less sketchy, but we did have a very slow winter because of it. I love my regulars and do not want to leave, but the danger of the area combined with his shitty attitude have forced me to. I’m afraid to even put in a notice because I can’t afford to lose $15, much less a day of work, so with his threats today I’m worried he’ll do as mentioned in his texts if I put in a notice. There’s a lot of other shitty things he’s said, not to mention the 7 vacations…

I was late today, but I have never opened the bar a minute late. I was the only bartender for 6 months. The bar is “deep in gang territory” according to our local news. A murder happened in the parking lot a year ago. I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in making it way less sketchy, but we did have a very slow winter because of it. I love my regulars and do not want to leave, but the danger of the area combined with his shitty attitude have forced me to. I’m afraid to even put in a notice because I can’t afford to lose $15, much less a day of work, so with his threats today I’m worried he’ll do as mentioned in his texts if I put in a notice. There’s a lot of other shitty things he’s said, not to mention the 7 vacations he’s taken this year. Figured if anyone would commiserate, it’s this sub lol He can’t find other bartenders easily at all, so I honestly look forward to leaving so maybe he’ll learn to respect his employees. Slim maybe.

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