
Worked for a company for 4 years, was laid off with no notice or indication layoffs were happening.

Want to vent, this happened last week to me. I worked at a small MSP company for 4 years and grew to enjoy the company culture. The only indication we had that layoffs were happening was when it happened, and I was one of the two people they let go. I was one of the more senior persons at the company but I know my paycheck was around that of my coworkers- I certainly was not one of the most paid. Im bummed out. I was looking for jobs passively anyway as I want to break into cybersecurity- but haven’t had a lot of breakthrough yet- and I was getting used to the fact I wouldn’t be working with my team anymore. We are tight niche, got along with absolutely everyone. The uncertainty of a layoff and what my future is looking like bothers me, but arguably I am more…

Want to vent, this happened last week to me. I worked at a small MSP company for 4 years and grew to enjoy the company culture. The only indication we had that layoffs were happening was when it happened, and I was one of the two people they let go. I was one of the more senior persons at the company but I know my paycheck was around that of my coworkers- I certainly was not one of the most paid.

Im bummed out. I was looking for jobs passively anyway as I want to break into cybersecurity- but haven’t had a lot of breakthrough yet- and I was getting used to the fact I wouldn’t be working with my team anymore. We are tight niche, got along with absolutely everyone. The uncertainty of a layoff and what my future is looking like bothers me, but arguably I am more bummed about never working with my coworkers again.

I’ve been applying like mad now for security positions, and it feels demeaning every time I’m told I don’t have direct cybersec experience so they are looking elsewhere. If all else fails, I’ll go back to general IT work again but I’m trying to make good on a bad situation as my “do or die” moment. I’ve never been laid off before- and I put so much faith and trust into my old company that I feel betrayed a bit.

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