
Workers being blamed for bad ticket notification system, what to do?

Hello, my job is mostly on-call work and we have a system that notifies us when there is a job for us to go do. The issue is is this notification system is notoriously unreliable and we often get notified in the middle of the night of a job that came in hours ago, and then we will get yelled at for taking so long to get to a job or letting a job sit undone overnight. We have all complained that the system doesn’t work but still every time it causes a problem the workers get blamed for it rather than the department in charge of dispatch, management says we need to be checking for new jobs every 30 mins but they pay me $12/day to be on call so I refuse to compensate for their crappy notification system by checking constantly, if it was a short term thing…

Hello, my job is mostly on-call work and we have a system that notifies us when there is a job for us to go do. The issue is is this notification system is notoriously unreliable and we often get notified in the middle of the night of a job that came in hours ago, and then we will get yelled at for taking so long to get to a job or letting a job sit undone overnight. We have all complained that the system doesn’t work but still every time it causes a problem the workers get blamed for it rather than the department in charge of dispatch, management says we need to be checking for new jobs every 30 mins but they pay me $12/day to be on call so I refuse to compensate for their crappy notification system by checking constantly, if it was a short term thing that they were working to fix sure but this has been going on for over a year at this point. It’s gotten to the point where they are threatening to fire people for missing response times even if they didn’t get notified in time. I’ve been taking screenshots and texting the boss every time this happens but it doesn’t seem to be helping, is there anything else I can be doing to protect myself if I do end up getting fired over this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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