
Working 6d/week 12-8pm

Right now I am working 5.5d and will be doing 6days soon. I work evenings 12-8pm except Friday/Sat (8-4).. I also do 8am-7pm on Thursday. I feel like all I do everyday except Sunday is work and the day is over. I’m too lazy to get up early so while I get to sleep in.. I don’t get to enjoy any after work time. There’s no time to meet up with my friends or watch a movie etc. I’m trying to save up for a downpayment but I feel like that is impossible. I feel like I’m wasting away my life just so I can afford to own a home but I mean I won’t even get to really be home since I’ll be working all the time. Is this what your 30s are all about? Working away your life? I don’t even have any hobbies since there’s no time…

Right now I am working 5.5d and will be doing 6days soon. I work evenings 12-8pm except Friday/Sat (8-4).. I also do 8am-7pm on Thursday. I feel like all I do everyday except Sunday is work and the day is over. I’m too lazy to get up early so while I get to sleep in.. I don’t get to enjoy any after work time. There’s no time to meet up with my friends or watch a movie etc. I’m trying to save up for a downpayment but I feel like that is impossible. I feel like I’m wasting away my life just so I can afford to own a home but I mean I won’t even get to really be home since I’ll be working all the time.

Is this what your 30s are all about? Working away your life? I don’t even have any hobbies since there’s no time to develop one. I’m too tired on Sunday to do anything. I don’t get to even enjoy the money I make since all I do is worry about having enough money for home.. sigh

Anyone else feel like what I am feeling?

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