
Working as a Barista

The stories of things that happened to me at a certain coffee chain…btw I only worked there a year I had a woman ask if I had a disease because I had acne she asked if I was contagious I had another woman say that I needed to cut down on the sugary coffee because I was “getting big” (I’m 5’6 and weighed at the time around 150) after the woman told me I was fat she proceeded to complain to my coworker who had heard the interaction and he gave her 20 dollars in gift cards for “the poor service” (I told my manager about this and she sided with him and said that customers would not be asked to leave unless they were bothering other customers it didn’t matter how they talked to us) we had a man threaten to kill us because we closed the same time…

The stories of things that happened to me at a certain coffee chain…btw I only worked there a year

  • I had a woman ask if I had a disease because I had acne she asked if I was contagious
  • I had another woman say that I needed to cut down on the sugary coffee because I was “getting big” (I’m 5’6 and weighed at the time around 150)
  • after the woman told me I was fat she proceeded to complain to my coworker who had heard the interaction and he gave her 20 dollars in gift cards for “the poor service” (I told my manager about this and she sided with him and said that customers would not be asked to leave unless they were bothering other customers it didn’t matter how they talked to us)
  • we had a man threaten to kill us because we closed the same time we did every night ( he banged on the window for 30 minutes screaming at us and didn’t leave until we said we were calling the police.)
  • my manager gave me a verbal warning because I didn’t respond when they asked me to come into work on my day off ( she had a rule that we were not allowed to contact her on her days off)
  • my manager was changing the time I was clocking in and out for a few months, so we wouldn’t go over on hours ( it was always when I was asked to stay late/ come in early and I did report it but nothing really happened and I left soon after)
  • I had a shift lead lecture me for going to the bathroom when I wasn’t on break
  • for the first month I worked there I almost never got breaks (I started asking for them and giving reminders to my shift leads and they did not like that)
  • we had a guy who was in his twenties who would constantly make inappropriate comments to the minors at my store and made many jokes about my ethnicity (that was also reported nothing ever changed)

Those were the big ones but we got free coffee so we should be grateful well that’s what my manager would say :/

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