
Working for a small business

I’ve always worked for big retail chains all my working career, but these past two years I spend my time working for a (franchise) small business. Bigger corporations tend to have audits and corporate visits often I’ve noticed for “semi” quality control. This location does not so labor laws are CONSTANTLY being broken. Well I had enough and put my two weeks in right? Owners pulled me aside and asked if giving me a dollar raise would pursued me to stay along with the whole “we’re a family here” shpiel. I do horrible on the spot so I said yes and thought maybe JUST MAYBE I was behind appreciated despite my lack of health insurance that was made up by the occasional pizza party. Come to find out that “raise” wasn’t really a raise. Everyone’s wages were going to go up by a dollar anyways that following month to fit…

I’ve always worked for big retail chains all my working career, but these past two years I spend my time working for a (franchise) small business.

Bigger corporations tend to have audits and corporate visits often I’ve noticed for “semi” quality control. This location does not so labor laws are CONSTANTLY being broken.

Well I had enough and put my two weeks in right? Owners pulled me aside and asked if giving me a dollar raise would pursued me to stay along with the whole “we’re a family here” shpiel.

I do horrible on the spot so I said yes and thought maybe JUST MAYBE I was behind appreciated despite my lack of health insurance that was made up by the occasional pizza party.

Come to find out that “raise” wasn’t really a raise. Everyone’s wages were going to go up by a dollar anyways that following month to fit the stores corporate standards. I was fucking bamboozled…

Mind you, we still don’t make a livable wage even with the stupid raise.

I’m still here because I can’t financially afford to quit and every minimum wage job sucks. Thanks for reading. Fuck the greedy capitalists that take advantage of the working class.

Bye bye

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