
Working for asshole managers and backstabbing coworkers has ruined my happiness and motivation to work in life.

I feel like I’m a star employee in most cases, I never say no to anything unreasonable, I give nothing but my very best in every single thing that I do, I have very good quality work and work ethic and I’m responsive to learning and feedback. I never try or go out of my way to put people down or cause problems I was just fired today with no notice, no warning and no coaching at a new job I had been at for 3 months, I did everything under the sun for them and was never thanked or appreciated, manager just said he had a few complaints that customers felt like I sounded rude or short. Nothing else given but he was in a hurry to get me out the door because he wants to enjoy his weekend and not dig into it.

I feel like I’m a star employee in most cases, I never say no to anything unreasonable, I give nothing but my very best in every single thing that I do, I have very good quality work and work ethic and I’m responsive to learning and feedback. I never try or go out of my way to put people down or cause problems
I was just fired today with no notice, no warning and no coaching at a new job I had been at for 3 months, I did everything under the sun for them and was never thanked or appreciated, manager just said he had a few complaints that customers felt like I sounded rude or short. Nothing else given but he was in a hurry to get me out the door because he wants to enjoy his weekend and not dig into it.

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