
Working in 39 degree heat (102.2 F) with no air con and made to feel like shit.

Started a new office job 3 weeks ago and while I’m keen to make a good impression (the money is the best I’ve ever been on), today was unbearable for 2 reasons. 1) THE HEAT and 2) I finished my work in two hours and had literally nothing to do. This happens A LOT and it pisses me off. Around 2pm I started feeling faint (the one fan we were given for a room with 4 people was hardly adequate) and after overhearing my sweating colleagues complaining about feeling sick, their feet swelling, etc—I said “I think we need to tell the manager. This isn’t right.” They just laughed. I actually did speak to the manager and said I was feeling unwell and wasn’t coping with the heat. I said I had completed my work, would she mind if I went home? She then asked me “So are you saying…

Started a new office job 3 weeks ago and while I’m keen to make a good impression (the money is the best I’ve ever been on), today was unbearable for 2 reasons. 1) THE HEAT and 2) I finished my work in two hours and had literally nothing to do. This happens A LOT and it pisses me off.

Around 2pm I started feeling faint (the one fan we were given for a room with 4 people was hardly adequate) and after overhearing my sweating colleagues complaining about feeling sick, their feet swelling, etc—I said “I think we need to tell the manager. This isn’t right.” They just laughed. I actually did speak to the manager and said I was feeling unwell and wasn’t coping with the heat. I said I had completed my work, would she mind if I went home? She then asked me “So are you saying you want to go home because you have nothing to do or are you unable to work because of the heat?” I said “I feel faint but if there’s more work I could do at home, I’d be happy to.” (Yeah, fuck that now with hindsight)

She walked back to my dept with me and said “Would anyone mind if she went home? Is there no more work for her?” Everyone just played stupid and started looking really busy. Five minutes before they’d been complaining of feeling ready to pass out. Not one of my colleagues even said good bye.

Fuck work.

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