
Working in the Office Opinion

I read a lot on this forum and in the news that the majority of employees prefer a 100% or a least hybrid WFH. Does anyone actually like working in the office or see the benefits? I admit I am in the minority and enjoy a hybrid schedule and working in the office. I find I am more productive when everyone is co-located and easier to get questions answered by quickly or troubleshoot issues. I was wondering if anyone else feels this way. For me I am tired of sending out an email and waiting for a response when I could resolve something in 5-10 minutes it now can take hours to a whole day going back and forth in email or scheduling zoom calls. Additionally, things can get lost in email and nuances missed that a person may gather from a conversation instead. I was speaking to a friend…

I read a lot on this forum and in the news that the majority of employees prefer a 100% or a least hybrid WFH. Does anyone actually like working in the office or see the benefits?

I admit I am in the minority and enjoy a hybrid schedule and working in the office. I find I am more productive when everyone is co-located and easier to get questions answered by quickly or troubleshoot issues.

I was wondering if anyone else feels this way. For me I am tired of sending out an email and waiting for a response when I could resolve something in 5-10 minutes it now can take hours to a whole day going back and forth in email or scheduling zoom calls. Additionally, things can get lost in email and nuances missed that a person may gather from a conversation instead.

I was speaking to a friend recently and he relayed the same frustration. I love the flexibility of WFH being if I need to be at home I have that option and no longer have to take a vacation/sick day. But ultimately I find being in the office works better. (As long as the team is there otherwise it makes no sense)

I understand if you work independently and do not need to coordinate with others wfh can be a better fit. But for those that work in a group setting does anyone see any disadvantages to WFH 100%

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