
Working makes me want to die

I’m 25 and I’m expected to keep this up for the next 50 years? It’s not even the working that bothers me. It’s the forceful nature of it all. And everyone says it’s a choice. Yeah I got 2. Work or die. And I’m working my time on this earth away to fill someone else’s pocket. I can’t afford anything besides the bare necessities. Everyone says “if you don’t like working start your own business.” And it’s like I can barely afford to eat. And you expect me to build a business. I can’t even afford to go to college. I have no skills. What business am I supposed to create? The Fuck? It’s expensive as hell to be poor in this country. Sorry for the rant. I’m just exhausted and currently taking a “bathroom break” at work.

I’m 25 and I’m expected to keep this up for the next 50 years? It’s not even the working that bothers me. It’s the forceful nature of it all. And everyone says it’s a choice. Yeah I got 2. Work or die. And I’m working my time on this earth away to fill someone else’s pocket. I can’t afford anything besides the bare necessities. Everyone says “if you don’t like working start your own business.” And it’s like I can barely afford to eat. And you expect me to build a business. I can’t even afford to go to college. I have no skills. What business am I supposed to create? The Fuck? It’s expensive as hell to be poor in this country.

Sorry for the rant. I’m just exhausted and currently taking a “bathroom break” at work.

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