
Working on my days off

I am not sure if this fits well here, but I was just reminded of these incidents by my friend. When I was in high school I worked at a fast food place with a bunch of kids from my high school. Most of these kids came from affluent families in the area I lived in. They didn’t have to work and it definitely showed. There was this one kid who called out every shift without fail. This behavior would get anyone else fired, but because the kid had so many connections, it was never a problem with management. Now this kid had a class with my best friend and in high school, my friend and I thought that he had a severe crush on her. He would constantly ask her what her plans are and who she was hanging out with that night. This went on for an entire…

I am not sure if this fits well here, but I was just reminded of these incidents by my friend.

When I was in high school I worked at a fast food place with a bunch of kids from my high school. Most of these kids came from affluent families in the area I lived in. They didn’t have to work and it definitely showed. There was this one kid who called out every shift without fail. This behavior would get anyone else fired, but because the kid had so many connections, it was never a problem with management.

Now this kid had a class with my best friend and in high school, my friend and I thought that he had a severe crush on her. He would constantly ask her what her plans are and who she was hanging out with that night. This went on for an entire year. One night my friend and I were discussing this behavior and noticed a pattern. He would only ever ask what she was doing the days he was working. We didn’t think much of it because we thought that maybe he wanted us to come in and see him at our job (we frequented it a lot because of my 25% discount). One day he finally started asking about me in particular and that is when we put all the pieces together. He knew that I would be willing to take his shift, as long as I didn’t have plans with my friend that night. He would first ask her if she had plans and if they were with me he would then text me asking me to cancel my plans to work his shift. This happened around 15-20 times in the 9 months we worked together. He also would exclusively ask me because he wanted to hang out with our coworkers. One night I had taken his shift because he said he had a family emergency. His shift started at 5:30pm and at about 6 he came in with 4 of his friends. I asked if all was well with his family and I guess he decided to show off in front of his friends and laugh at me for being a sucker for believing that he had a family emergency.

This job was genuinely one of the worst jobs I worked because my coworkers were mean. not only that I was only paid 7.25 (minimum wage is $9 in my state) because I was in a “training period”… for a year ( stupid on my part, but I was 16. )

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