
Working with an antiwork mindset

So I've been lurking a while here. I have some thoughts, and some questions. I love my career. I'm an archaeologist and the days can be long and physically exhausting. But I find my job mostly interesting and rewarding. I push hard and think I have a strong work ethic. My wage is good, but I recently moved countries and am on less than I was before (moved to be closer to family). But that doesn't phase me too much tbh, as it's still well above the minimum wage. With all that said, I have one rule: I never work for free. Ever. Every task I do that is work related, I bill my hours for. Phone call during my paid break – I bill, and then resume the clock for the remaining paid break. Discussion with the manager about archaeology (not strictly project specific) – I bill. Mandatory company…

So I've been lurking a while here. I have some thoughts, and some questions.

I love my career. I'm an archaeologist and the days can be long and physically exhausting. But I find my job mostly interesting and rewarding. I push hard and think I have a strong work ethic. My wage is good, but I recently moved countries and am on less than I was before (moved to be closer to family). But that doesn't phase me too much tbh, as it's still well above the minimum wage.

With all that said, I have one rule: I never work for free. Ever. Every task I do that is work related, I bill my hours for. Phone call during my paid break – I bill, and then resume the clock for the remaining paid break. Discussion with the manager about archaeology (not strictly project specific) – I bill. Mandatory company catch up to discuss our work for the past month with beer and snacks – I bill that too.

My take on it is that we exchange our finite time on earth for money. If work is going to take that from me, you better believe that they're going to be footing the bill.

What are other people's take on it? How do those of you who love your jobs but have antiwork sentiments keep working?

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