
Would civilization collapse if people no longer had to work to survive?

As our world is currently organized under capitalism, workers go to work because they will be homeless and starving otherwise. But what if that wasn't the case? What if we somehow lived in a world where nobody had to work just to acquire housing, healthcare, transportation and basic food items? Everybody automatically got those things – sort of how you automatically get the right to vote? Would people contribute to human civilization in important, needed ways if they didn't absolutely have to? Looking forward to your thoughts!

As our world is currently organized under capitalism, workers go to work because they will be homeless and starving otherwise. But what if that wasn't the case? What if we somehow lived in a world where nobody had to work just to acquire housing, healthcare, transportation and basic food items? Everybody automatically got those things – sort of how you automatically get the right to vote?

Would people contribute to human civilization in important, needed ways if they didn't absolutely have to?

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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