
Would you quit this job?

The executive director of the charter school I work at is micromanaging me. I am not a teacher…. I am a teacher’s assistant. She got word from a grade level team that I was not working with their kids as consistently as they would have liked. That day she followed me around all day and even asked a child in a different classroom if I had walked in to pull a small group. She also asked other teachers if I was working with their kids and they said yes.she never spoke to me about the issue, just followed me all day. She removed me from the team that complained about me and that’s fine. More recently, she found me talking to a coworker in an empty classroom. She walked in and pushed in chairs, not saying anything. Then I go to a class Im scheduled to be in next. She…

The executive director of the charter school I work at is micromanaging me. I am not a teacher…. I am a teacher’s assistant.

She got word from a grade level team that I was not working with their kids as consistently as they would have liked. That day she followed me around all day and even asked a child in a different classroom if I had walked in to pull a small group. She also asked other teachers if I was working with their kids and they said yes.she never spoke to me about the issue, just followed me all day.

She removed me from the team that complained about me and that’s fine.

More recently, she found me talking to a coworker in an empty classroom. She walked in and pushed in chairs, not saying anything. Then I go to a class Im scheduled to be in next. She follows me upstairs and checks if I’m in there. When the class goes to recess she comes in and tells me the teacher doesn’t know my schedule and she needs to know it. The time was 10:16am and I had been in the class for some time. She asked what time I’m supposed to arrive and I said 10am. She said if teachers expect me at 10am and they check the time and it’s 10:02 they’re going to wonder where I’m at.

Next day I get word this executive director told a supervisor of mine that she caught me “chit chatting” in the empty classroom with my coworker right before that coworker went to her to ask for a raise. That is not accurate at all. I was talking to me coworker AFTER they had their personal conversation about the raise. This makes it seem like I had a role in this coworker asking for a raise.

Keep in mind I am only a teacher’s assistant. I am close to most of my other coworker assistants and none of them are being followed around. I don’t know what to make of this. She’s the executive director. She founded the schools. I don’t know why she’s following ME around and it’s driving me insane.

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