
Write a letter of apology!!!

I remember working in a well thought of hotel/bar, in Ireland. No names but Michael Collins may have stayed there the night before he died… ​ City centre bar with young(ish) clientele so the music was given set volumes throughout the day into Sat evening. One older (talking 40ish) customer calls one of the bar staff over and starts yelling at her, then me, that the music is “Too damn loud”. I check the volume presets on the sound system and all is fine. He they accuses me of turning it up and I say I did not and that there are preset levels that we are not allowed interfere with. He gets irate and lobs his pint of beer over the counter, just missing colleagues head. I told him to get the hell out and come around the bar and (without touching him, towered over him) escort him to…

I remember working in a well thought of hotel/bar, in Ireland. No names but Michael Collins may have stayed there the night before he died…

City centre bar with young(ish) clientele so the music was given set volumes throughout the day into Sat evening.

One older (talking 40ish) customer calls one of the bar staff over and starts yelling at her, then me, that the music is “Too damn loud”. I check the volume presets on the sound system and all is fine.

He they accuses me of turning it up and I say I did not and that there are preset levels that we are not allowed interfere with.

He gets irate and lobs his pint of beer over the counter, just missing colleagues head.

I told him to get the hell out and come around the bar and (without touching him, towered over him) escort him to the door, where the only bouncer was working on incoming ID checks.

Next morning I'm summoned to a meeting with the hotel head of operations and a bar manager, told to write a letter of apology to the customer (friend of “people”).

I refuse while reminding them that he lobbed a glass at a colleagues head.

Still expected to write a letter taking full responsibility for the incident to the “gentleman” and my angry attitude.

Refused again, so got told I was on my termination notice of a month.

They then got to see what my actual angry attitude was as I told them to fuck their notice and their disregard for worker safety and that they better have my pay and holiday money ready by the end of the day.

Most satisfying experience ever

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