
Write ups left on desk, unsecured, by manager. Can this be reported?

Basically my husband had to leave early the other day to help me. 15 minutes. Normally that kind of thing is allowed, as long as it's few and far between. However, it's an “unwritten rule”. His manager (who has had it out for him ever since they applied to the same position) has decided to write him up for it (despite ignoring her favorites leaving an hour early half of the week, frequently). We know he's getting written up because she left the write ups out for him and several others on a desk, in the main room they all work in, for 2 whole shifts and people are now talking about everyone getting written up. Is there anything he can report her for? Isn't that not allowed for privacy reasons? Ps: yes its a shit place to work. He's working on leaving but in the meantime, I don't think…

Basically my husband had to leave early the other day to help me. 15 minutes. Normally that kind of thing is allowed, as long as it's few and far between. However, it's an “unwritten rule”. His manager (who has had it out for him ever since they applied to the same position) has decided to write him up for it (despite ignoring her favorites leaving an hour early half of the week, frequently). We know he's getting written up because she left the write ups out for him and several others on a desk, in the main room they all work in, for 2 whole shifts and people are now talking about everyone getting written up. Is there anything he can report her for? Isn't that not allowed for privacy reasons?

Ps: yes its a shit place to work. He's working on leaving but in the meantime, I don't think petty shit like this should stand.

ETA: I'm more concerned about the paper being left out. The write up is whatever, its his first there so we don't care. We do care that she left it out, intentionally I'm sure. And yes, this is in the USA

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