
Written up for calling out on day off?

My job's advertised work week is Mon-Fri. I did waive my rights to allow for weekends during the interview. Now so far we've been scheduled 5 weeks in a row of 6 days. I called out today saying I have responsibilities outside of work that make me unable to come in and was told I would still be written up since it is on our schedule to work Saturday. I was just wondering if there is any recourse in this situation?

My job's advertised work week is Mon-Fri.

I did waive my rights to allow for weekends during the interview.

Now so far we've been scheduled 5 weeks in a row of 6 days.

I called out today saying I have responsibilities outside of work that make me unable to come in and was told I would still be written up since it is on our schedule to work Saturday.

I was just wondering if there is any recourse in this situation?

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