
Written up for having Covid

Back in January I left work early because I felt sick. Incidentally, so did my husband. We were both off for two weeks with positive confirmed Covid feeling miserable. We were also constantly in touch with our employee health departments who actually would not approve us to return to work until we tested negative. When we did return, I thought everything was fine. Today I get told I’m being written up for getting three attendance points (leaving early one day, calling off for one week, and then the next). I’m so done with this job. I don’t even know what to do.

Back in January I left work early because I felt sick. Incidentally, so did my husband. We were both off for two weeks with positive confirmed Covid feeling miserable. We were also constantly in touch with our employee health departments who actually would not approve us to return to work until we tested negative. When we did return, I thought everything was fine. Today I get told I’m being written up for getting three attendance points (leaving early one day, calling off for one week, and then the next). I’m so done with this job. I don’t even know what to do.

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