
Written up for negative social media posts

I want to name my company and give proper context but I won’t because HR already wants me fired. We’re a clothing store and switched one of our displays for a holiday rather early. I made a post poking fun at that. I then got called into my boss’s office where he read aloud the part of the contract I violated, I’m not to post anything negative, or anything that could be construed as negative about the company. He insinuated that our HR director wanted me fired but I was keeping my job because he (my boss) likes me. I got written up and sent back out to work. I understand that my post called them out for not really being supportive of a political holiday and just grabbing at money, but that was subtext that you really would have to think about to get from my post. I made…

I want to name my company and give proper context but I won’t because HR already wants me fired.

We’re a clothing store and switched one of our displays for a holiday rather early. I made a post poking fun at that. I then got called into my boss’s office where he read aloud the part of the contract I violated, I’m not to post anything negative, or anything that could be construed as negative about the company. He insinuated that our HR director wanted me fired but I was keeping my job because he (my boss) likes me. I got written up and sent back out to work.

I understand that my post called them out for not really being supportive of a political holiday and just grabbing at money, but that was subtext that you really would have to think about to get from my post. I made a stupid joke mostly. I’m just appalled at this stupid policy, what if something really fucked up happened? I’m not allowed to talk about it because the company would look bad. I get this is really standard but this is my first serious job and it’s just striking me as so scummy.

If my boss finds this post and fires me- that’s fine. I need to be paid decently anyways.

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