
Wrongfully fired

I was fired because a woman decided she didn’t like me so she told the higher ups I was harassing her when I absolutely wasn’t! Cameras will show me no where ever near her or talking to her ever ! I flipped off the building once and now my pink slip says “employee harassment “ this is just so unfair I hope I can collect I have texts from other employees saying how nuts she is. I guess I’ll just fight super hard for unemployment. Ugh

I was fired because a woman decided she didn’t like me so she told the higher ups I was harassing her when I absolutely wasn’t! Cameras will show me no where ever near her or talking to her ever ! I flipped off the building once and now my pink slip says “employee harassment “ this is just so unfair I hope I can collect I have texts from other employees saying how nuts she is. I guess I’ll just fight super hard for unemployment. Ugh

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