
Wtf is happening with this sub

Wtf is happening with this sub Im so sick of seeing ppl acting like the end goal of what this sub stands for is getting paid 2.50 more dollars a hour or being able to sit down while working. I am a ancom and even though this sub was founded by and for ppl with ideologies similar to that I dont think this sub is only for ppl like me. However spouting off the milquetoast liberal propaganda that the system is fine and all we need are slight is anti worker and only serves to further the ruling classes interest. Even worse ive seen a ton of queerphobia and anti women ideology being thrown around and getting support. The ppl that do that are no different than racist that only want there group to succeed and everyone else can burn. I use to believe in this sub as a force…

Wtf is happening with this sub
Im so sick of seeing ppl acting like the end goal of what this sub stands for is getting paid 2.50 more dollars a hour or being able to sit down while working. I am a ancom and even though this sub was founded by and for ppl with ideologies similar to that I dont think this sub is only for ppl like me. However spouting off the milquetoast liberal propaganda that the system is fine and all we need are slight is anti worker and only serves to further the ruling classes interest.
Even worse ive seen a ton of queerphobia and anti women ideology being thrown around and getting support. The ppl that do that are no different than racist that only want there group to succeed and everyone else can burn. I use to believe in this sub as a force for good but I dont right now and I dont know if I can again. Take the boot out of your mouth and start fighting for yourself.

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