
Y’all remember that movie Elysium?

I feel like we're living something eerily close to that. The richest people in the world have the ability to provide the bare necessities for all of us. The power to help all of us just not suffer. Does it happen? When it's marketable. When there's a profit to be made from it. When there's face to save. These people are inhuman when you see how they talk about us. Where we are to them. I think about this almost every day. I need to stop. I'm ashamed it was allowed to get to this point…

I feel like we're living something eerily close to that. The richest people in the world have the ability to provide the bare necessities for all of us. The power to help all of us just not suffer.

Does it happen? When it's marketable. When there's a profit to be made from it. When there's face to save. These people are inhuman when you see how they talk about us. Where we are to them.

I think about this almost every day. I need to stop. I'm ashamed it was allowed to get to this point…

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