
Yesterday my boss apologized

Without going into too many specifics, we work in an education-related field and offer a few different kinds of classes. I am an admin assistant and the only person in-office on the weekend. For the past year that I’ve worked here, we’ve had as many as three classes going on at once. They all start at the same time (as soon as we open) and I am responsible for making sure the students are set up at that time. I check them in, take attendance, provide them with class materials (which I also make along with one other person), make sure the instructors show up, proctor and grade all of their exams, and remind them about homework assignments and class days. This is all in addition to my other, more typical admin duties. Classes are not our only service and we do have other appointments and such which also happen…

Without going into too many specifics, we work in an education-related field and offer a few different kinds of classes. I am an admin assistant and the only person in-office on the weekend. For the past year that I’ve worked here, we’ve had as many as three classes going on at once. They all start at the same time (as soon as we open) and I am responsible for making sure the students are set up at that time. I check them in, take attendance, provide them with class materials (which I also make along with one other person), make sure the instructors show up, proctor and grade all of their exams, and remind them about homework assignments and class days. This is all in addition to my other, more typical admin duties. Classes are not our only service and we do have other appointments and such which also happen in the morning, so my attention is often divided. One of my coworkers had to log in for an hour each weekend just to make sure everything could happen because I obviously can’t be in three or four places at once.

So now due to changes in the company, our boss is getting more involved in class promotions and as the title says, he actually apologized for not noticing sooner and putting me in this position. He called it “crazy.”

The thing is, I’ve been saying this to my manager for the past year. Each time I asked about how I was supposed to be in that many places at once or make sure that many things happen on time, I was told that it used to be worse. That could be true, but we also didn’t offer online classes then, which actually require way more work on my part. I was also told that our boss wanted to offer that many classes, so we had to make it happen.

Obviously, that isn’t how he wants it because after coming to apologize, he changed the class schedules so that not everything starts all at the same time. The website was changed by the end of the day.

What the hell??? I know I should feel happy, and part of me is. But if it was such an easy fix, why put me in that position for an entire year? Are all jobs like this?

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