
Yet another perspective on the structural weakness of our employment economy

I just got laid off from my job. A job that I absolutely thrived in, progressed in, learned from and earned my fair pay, I felt appreciated by my whole crew and management. My mentors and corporate did everything in their empathetic teamwork support to keep me employed with them, same as every other co-worker alongside me. However, my ability to provide adequate housing, schooling and childcare as a single mother recently widowed, cut off from many social support resources because of my income increase and ex-in-law family abuse, I strived my god damn hardest to make the 4 hour total in daily commuting for everything, and it hit me like a ton of bricks only after 1.5 years of that exact routine of a rat race… My employer wasn't the problem, my work environment wasn't the problem, it was the fucking structural gates, the red tape that bars my…

I just got laid off from my job. A job that I absolutely thrived in, progressed in, learned from and earned my fair pay, I felt appreciated by my whole crew and management. My mentors and corporate did everything in their empathetic teamwork support to keep me employed with them, same as every other co-worker alongside me. However, my ability to provide adequate housing, schooling and childcare as a single mother recently widowed, cut off from many social support resources because of my income increase and ex-in-law family abuse, I strived my god damn hardest to make the 4 hour total in daily commuting for everything, and it hit me like a ton of bricks only after 1.5 years of that exact routine of a rat race…

My employer wasn't the problem, my work environment wasn't the problem, it was the fucking structural gates, the red tape that bars my employer from keeping me hired, my distance to and from work and rent housing prices that keep me away from my kid and my home where I find my center, my stability…

It's the base structure we need to be focusing on. Rebuild. Don't be afraid of new hodge-podge democratic views. Don't shy away from entertaining thoughts that might and sometimes might not solve societal equality for all, just be more conscious of where you as a consumer take your patronage or employment and your needs from others working alongside you, here in this community.

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