
yippee I just quit my job

So over the past month I came to the conclusion that I was going to be fired. All of the sudden I was getting unexplainable write-up's, my bosses were being extremely rude and bullying me, and they started asking around for more things to write me up for (but if the other party told them that I wasn't the person breaking the rules, they weren't interested in hearing about it). Not to mention, administration wasn't following their own rules and would only enforce it on me and 2 other employees, they didn't follow our county's covid laws, they cut my time to work on projects while still giving me more work and giving unrealistic deadlines (I communicated this several times). Overall, bad environment. Every morning I drove there, I got severely depressed. At least once a week had a mental breakdown at the office. Well, I came across an opening…

So over the past month I came to the conclusion that I was going to be fired.
All of the sudden I was getting unexplainable write-up's, my bosses were being extremely rude and bullying me, and they started asking around for more things to write me up for (but if the other party told them that I wasn't the person breaking the rules, they weren't interested in hearing about it).

Not to mention, administration wasn't following their own rules and would only enforce it on me and 2 other employees, they didn't follow our county's covid laws, they cut my time to work on projects while still giving me more work and giving unrealistic deadlines (I communicated this several times).

Overall, bad environment. Every morning I drove there, I got severely depressed. At least once a week had a mental breakdown at the office.

Well, I came across an opening for a description matching MY JOB, so I started looking elsewhere. Secured a new job and quit today, no notice.

I asked to talk with my manager about my concerns (very brief, just stating the stuff about rules, bullying, covid laws, etc.) but when I told my manager I saw my job online, they got very defensive – like I've never seen them before – and denied that was the case, just that they were hiring an extra person, even though the posting included tasks that only I do and the overlap in days wouldn't make sense since there wouldn't be a spot for an extra person to work.
My manager literally tried to dismiss me mid-conversation to get me to email it instead, I'm guessing for documentation.

Anyway, I quit! Management said they wished I talked to them about these issues before, I said I had and that nothing has changed.
Fuck that.

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