
You all should’ve put me on that FOX news interview, I would’ve sent them a message they’d never forget.

I would of told them that Gen Z was coming for them, it’s time to get out into the streets and organize something at a nation-wide level amongst all young people age 18-30. This is our time to shine and make America a better place, we need MASSIVE teamwork, coordination, compassion and understanding, it’s time for young people to take control of our country back and lead way for societal change. We need to take better care of our people. Capitalism is destroying us, impossible costs of living, incompetent-out of touch leaders, greedy corporations who offer no benefits or promise of stability, and pay new workers more than the old. I know we’re all broke, but trying and possibly dying to make this world a better place for future generations rather than a worse one is worth it to me, and it should be to you too. Our ancestors here…

I would of told them that Gen Z was coming for them, it’s time to get out into the streets and organize something at a nation-wide level amongst all young people age 18-30.

This is our time to shine and make America a better place, we need MASSIVE teamwork, coordination, compassion and understanding, it’s time for young people to take control of our country back and lead way for societal change.

We need to take better care of our people. Capitalism is destroying us, impossible costs of living, incompetent-out of touch leaders, greedy corporations who offer no benefits or promise of stability, and pay new workers more than the old.

I know we’re all broke, but trying and possibly dying to make this world a better place for future generations rather than a worse one is worth it to me, and it should be to you too.

Our ancestors here in America banded together in the 1940s to stop fascist white supremacy from ruling the world and here we are, 80 years later, one generation, away from fascist control of America.

Let me paint a picture, it’s 2024, Trump loses again, what’s happening this time? I think we all know who/what MAGA supporters are and want for America.

On the other hand, let’s say trump wins, what do you think that’s going to look like here, especially when it’s 2028 and it’s time for him to give up power?

If you’re interested in helping me, talk to you’re moms, dads, brothers, and sisters. Talk to them. Tell them we WILL do something about this, people need to be calmed right now, panic breaks solidarity.

Help me Locally Organize on here, Discord, Facebook, twitter whatever. Make it trendy to be out in the streets, March together and share together. And remember comrades that capitalists will kill you to remain in power so prepare to defend yourselves but never initiate or be the aggressor or else be caught up in a huge legal mess if arrested.

It’s time to assemble a well organized well protected proletariat, we need EVERYONE to stop giving into capitalisms demands.

If we don’t succeed, the future of 99% of humanity stands little to no chance of surviving climate change.

Elon musk and Jeff Bezos will though. Seeing as the billionaires space race quickly became a government sponsored imperialist race for who gets to be king of mars or whatever.

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