
“You are only leaving for the money”. Fuck yeah I am.

I got invited at another company because they have an opening in their team and they got word I'm good at my job. Since I have a steady job I gave them a pretty big number if they'd want to have me. Next day they said yes. Better job, better pay, better for my carreer. I told HR and got a meeting with HR and a manager and the board. Asked them if they wanted to match the offer. Nope. They have let all their best workers go in the last two years and I said “you're letting it happen again. Just match the offer so I can stay”. But nope. So, I took the job. Note: some of my co workers make hundreds a month more and they are shit at their job. I even said it to the faces ot HR and the board. Said that they don't…

I got invited at another company because they have an opening in their team and they got word I'm good at my job. Since I have a steady job I gave them a pretty big number if they'd want to have me. Next day they said yes. Better job, better pay, better for my carreer. I told HR and got a meeting with HR and a manager and the board. Asked them if they wanted to match the offer. Nope. They have let all their best workers go in the last two years and I said “you're letting it happen again. Just match the offer so I can stay”. But nope. So, I took the job. Note: some of my co workers make hundreds a month more and they are shit at their job. I even said it to the faces ot HR and the board. Said that they don't understand I'm the best they have and they need to keep me. But nope. Again, I took the job.

Yesterday was my last day and up until that day the rumors were “he only goes for the money, fuck him”. Well yes, and fuck you too. I have a 11 week old baby and I need to provide. Also, they WANT me because I am good. And I want a good career and a nice life. Housing isn't affordable and everything is going down the shitter. So yeah, I went for the money. Fuck everyone who thinks that's bad. I only need to care for myself. The company is not my family. Always do what's best for YOU. Fuck 'em.

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