
You can’t get angry with me for wanting more from “unskilled labor”

I have worked “unskilled labor” jobs all of my life. I am 39. I am getting so fed up with the people that look down on the people that want living wages for “unskilled labor”. Let me tell you a secret: I can't afford to get “skills”. Sure, I could take out loans and go into massive debt and live a stress-riddled existence as a full-time college student and full-time worker just to make ends meet in the hope of a better future. But why should I? “I worked hard and studied hard and went through shit so you can too.” This is ridiculous. You want me to suffer because you did? For one thing, we live in a much different society now. Every day, the dragons make life more and more difficult for the working poor. (I call rich folks dragons because, much like the fantastical beasts, they amass…

I have worked “unskilled labor” jobs all of my life. I am 39. I am getting so fed up with the people that look down on the people that want living wages for “unskilled labor”. Let me tell you a secret: I can't afford to get “skills”. Sure, I could take out loans and go into massive debt and live a stress-riddled existence as a full-time college student and full-time worker just to make ends meet in the hope of a better future. But why should I?

“I worked hard and studied hard and went through shit so you can too.” This is ridiculous. You want me to suffer because you did? For one thing, we live in a much different society now. Every day, the dragons make life more and more difficult for the working poor. (I call rich folks dragons because, much like the fantastical beasts, they amass great wealth they have no intention of ever using and then sit on their pile of gold and threaten death to any who would dare try to take it.) As a society we should be moving forward, not maintaining the institutions that caused pain and suffering.

If you want me to stop complaining, then make the “skills” you so desperately think I need to advocate for higher wages actually attainable. Trust me, if I could find another job (because apparently “unskilled” jobs are just a stepping stone), I would. The only jobs that can be had without a degree in my town are “unskilled”. I can't afford to move to another city that might have better jobs because I have a shit job that doesn't pay me enough to save money.

For those that are against government programs and social safety nets: Why? Your hard-earned taxes are going to help freeloaders? Who the fuck actually cares? If you are secure enough financially to be paying for these programs (most of which actually help a lot of people in dire need) and you aren't getting any help from them, kudos to you. You are in the enviable position of being financially secure. You have what you need. The little bit in extra taxes doesn't even phase you. And if it does, you shouldn't be whining about these programs. You should be taking advantage of them instead of erroneously thinking you belong in the middle or upper class just because it makes you feel fancy.

There are basic human rights being denied to people simply because the dragons want it that way. This is bullshit and you know it. OK, rant over.

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