
You don’t get a raise! And you don’t get a raise! And you don’t get a raise!

Today I found out that my company isn't giving raises to anyone on the customer service team for our yearly reviews. This is despite the fact that my service desk lead told me TO MY FACE that a small pay bump I received 3 months ago wouldn't affect my yearly raise. Needless to say I am pissed. And even though this company has mostly been good to me, I know I can take my talents elsewhere (like LeBron James) and get paid more doing it. Rant over.

Today I found out that my company isn't giving raises to anyone on the customer service team for our yearly reviews. This is despite the fact that my service desk lead told me TO MY FACE that a small pay bump I received 3 months ago wouldn't affect my yearly raise.

Needless to say I am pissed. And even though this company has mostly been good to me, I know I can take my talents elsewhere (like LeBron James) and get paid more doing it.

Rant over.

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