
You fast food / retail workers are the real heroes

I took a year off to work on a business, and lets just say it hasn't taken off how I wanted it to yet. I starting applying to random jobs unreleated to my field because I just want to mess around and meet new people. (and my savings is practically gone hehe)… *cries* So I got a job at Chick-Fil-A. It's been about a month now. 8-10 hour shifts each day x 4 / 5 days a week. Washing the same employee uniform everyday, Making drinks, being super happy for each customer, dealing with rude people, and standing all day for $10-15 an hour depending on your location. I am a programmer with 12 years of experience and I have never worked a job outside of programming and all I can say after experiencing this so far for the first time in my life is, how do you guys do…

I took a year off to work on a business, and lets just say it hasn't taken off how I wanted it to yet.

I starting applying to random jobs unreleated to my field because I just want to mess around and meet new people. (and my savings is practically gone hehe)… *cries*

So I got a job at Chick-Fil-A.

It's been about a month now. 8-10 hour shifts each day x 4 / 5 days a week.

Washing the same employee uniform everyday, Making drinks, being super happy for each customer, dealing with rude people, and standing all day for $10-15 an hour depending on your location.

I am a programmer with 12 years of experience and I have never worked a job outside of programming and all I can say after experiencing this so far for the first time in my life is, how do you guys do it?

In my field I can make $30/hr – $50/hr and sit at home, not do much work, sleep, play with my dogs, and still clock out while never leaving home.

Working here so far has given me the worlds biggest reality check. I love my co-workers as in a months span I became very close with them and theyre the ones who make me want to stay but the job itself is just numbing and it's not because its chick-fil-a. I love Chick Fil A and the free meals we get every shift but to think of doing this for more than 2-3 months is torture.

Every day my back kills me and I literally want to cry thinking about the fact that I asked some friends working here their future plans and they tell me they don't have any.

Fast Food and Retail is hard work. I have been wrong my entire life. Everyone who hasn't experienced it, should have to at least once so they change their views.

I want to clarify the term “hard work”. It's hard labour on ones body and the stuff that comes with it such as having to have conversations with each customer, the repeitive bs, long standing for $15 or less in some locations/cuntries should be illegal.

The minimum wage pay is an insult. Waking up to work all day to go home to sleep, and repeat.

I'm so so sorry towards anyone who has to live on minimum wage and work these types of jobs forever. Even though it's complete torture, i'm going to see how long I can last here.

and I just finished a goddamn 10 hour shift. My back hurts, i'm tired, and I have another 10 hour shift tomorrow but I needed to rant.

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