
You folks might like my story

I used to work for a glass production company. I started at the bottom and, after 8 years, worked my way up to taking over as the manager. There was about a month of the former manager training me and in that time I'd had some mildly strange interactions with Ken, the owner, but they were just primers for our first production meeting alone. The meetings were always held in Ken's office, over his wooden desk and this time it was just him and me. I was excited to be fully in charge and on my own for this meeting. I'd filled my steno pad with everything Ken would want updates on in the shop, along with some ideas I wanted to present. I was still full of zeal at that point in my career, so sweet, so innocent. Ken had met with someone I didn't recognize before our meeting…

I used to work for a glass production company. I started at the bottom and, after 8 years, worked my way up to taking over as the manager. There was about a month of the former manager training me and in that time I'd had some mildly strange interactions with Ken, the owner, but they were just primers for our first production meeting alone.

The meetings were always held in Ken's office, over his wooden desk and this time it was just him and me. I was excited to be fully in charge and on my own for this meeting. I'd filled my steno pad with everything Ken would want updates on in the shop, along with some ideas I wanted to present. I was still full of zeal at that point in my career, so sweet, so innocent. Ken had met with someone I didn't recognize before our meeting and whatever it was about, made Ken mad. Ken started off our meeting with generally explaining how offensive being offended is, then held up the business card the guy had given him. He asked if I wanted to know what he thought about it. I did not but before I could say so, Ken stood up, undid his belt, reached behind himself with that business card, locked eyes with me and wiped his ass with the card. He then looked at the business card, threw it in the trash, rebuckled his belt and sat back down. I tried not to address what happened, scrapped most everything from my steno pad and got out of that meeting as quickly as possible. My first official day as manager and I knew, for sure, that the business is captained by a crazy person. That's my story: my former boss wiped his ass in front of me on my first official day as his manager.

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