
You got me today

I’ve been seeing these posts and finally the last straw is breaking my back today. I had an issue with a team lead not over me making promises that I would do certain things. What she promised was more on a discretionary judgement call that should be left up to the individual working the case. After things got escalated I was talking with the president of the company. His advice was to apologize to her, right or wrong. This was mainly because where I work is predominately female, and woman owned. I’m a straight white guy and understand that we are bottom of the pile in the world at this time.

I’ve been seeing these posts and finally the last straw is breaking my back today.

I had an issue with a team lead not over me making promises that I would do certain things. What she promised was more on a discretionary judgement call that should be left up to the individual working the case. After things got escalated I was talking with the president of the company. His advice was to apologize to her, right or wrong. This was mainly because where I work is predominately female, and woman owned.

I’m a straight white guy and understand that we are bottom of the pile in the world at this time.

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