
You guys have lost the plot

If this sub is to ever gain traction and fully enact a change, you need to remove the far left “no working utopia” ideals, as funny as it may be, this sub is and always has been about enacting changes to move towards more positive work life balances and better working enviroments, with more rights to the employee/ higher wages to support the cost of living better. Those of you who think this is all about a “no work utopia” are literally living in another world, it isnt practical or possible, and will never happen, aim for the practical goals. Edit 1) Typo

If this sub is to ever gain traction and fully enact a change, you need to remove the far left “no working utopia” ideals, as funny as it may be, this sub is and always has been about enacting changes to move towards more positive work life balances and better working enviroments, with more rights to the employee/ higher wages to support the cost of living better.

Those of you who think this is all about a “no work utopia” are literally living in another world, it isnt practical or possible, and will never happen, aim for the practical goals.

Edit 1) Typo

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