So basically everyone related to me is a lawyer, and one of the most helpful pieces of information they ever gave me is so simple, and would maybe make a difference in a lot of the situations I’m reading about here.
When someone hands you a form to sign, of course read it. They have no business asking you to sign anything without giving you time to read it, right?
If there’s something on that form you don’t like, you can cross it out and still sign the form. Put a line through it, initial it to indicate that you are the one who made the change, and then go ahead and sign. You can’t be held responsible for agreeing to that part of the contract.
Specifically as this applies to work, when you’re being onboarded you have a billionty forms to read and sign, and obviously most people don’t really read it all. If you do, HR gets bored. Their attention wanes. They often don’t even realize you’re changing anything.
But even if they do, that is perfectly legal. And how we should all do business imo.
I hope this helps!