Yesterday i got written up for leaving 30 minutes early on my lunch.
My lunches are an hour long and no matter what, the intern i’m training would have to stay at my desk for an hour. At the moment she was doing training however no matter what she’d have to leave for an hour during her training to cover for me. I asked her trainer if i could borrow her a little bit early and they said yes, it’d be no problem. As i pass by my boss’s office she complained i need to let everyone in the office know when i’m leaving. I apologized, said i had an appointment, and left.
Once i return, boom a write up. This boss has regularly discriminated against me for my age (i’m 17) and my appearance (my instagram where i post a lot of my makeup but don’t really go to work in that kind of makeup, dress coding me over clothing she lets my older coworkers wear). Over the past 6 months she’s also targeted my intern for shit she allows me to do.
They threatened me with termination if i continued to “violate company policy” and “not being a team player.” Mind you i’m one of the best intake coordinators they’ve had and a large majority of my clients and field employees love calling me.
But fine, write me up. I’m leaving friday.