
You make less than minimum wage when you don’t turn in equipment?

I quit my toxic job with a vicious email and a walkout, so I expected some annoyances when I left. I left my company laptop (a 5-year old Chromebook, valued less than $300) and badge on the desk of the head manager, wrote that in my email, and got tf out. Fast forward to yesterday, my final paycheck was 1/3 of what it should be. I check into it and… My rate was listed at 1/3 of my actual rate and less than minimum wage for my area. I reached out to HR and basically said this needs to be resolved or they will hear next from my lawyer. Somehow, MULTIPLE people in this company told me it was due to my equipment not being returned. Um. What? Over $800 was missing from my check because of this, and that makes absolutely no sense… They also made it clear that…

I quit my toxic job with a vicious email and a walkout, so I expected some annoyances when I left. I left my company laptop (a 5-year old Chromebook, valued less than $300) and badge on the desk of the head manager, wrote that in my email, and got tf out.

Fast forward to yesterday, my final paycheck was 1/3 of what it should be. I check into it and… My rate was listed at 1/3 of my actual rate and less than minimum wage for my area.

I reached out to HR and basically said this needs to be resolved or they will hear next from my lawyer. Somehow, MULTIPLE people in this company told me it was due to my equipment not being returned. Um. What? Over $800 was missing from my check because of this, and that makes absolutely no sense… They also made it clear that no one bothered to check if I had returned their stuff? (It took 5 minutes to confirm)

Thankfully I got the remainder of my check, but what the actual F?

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