
you not being able to cover a shift isn’t my fucking problem.

If you can't find someone to cover a shift or can't find a worker then you as a boss or manager should do it. My manager takes off twice a week turns off the work cell and just can't get ahold of him guess what I'm next in charge and get called naw. Fuck that I have a life. I do my contracted duties and no more. No I won't drop what I'm doing to cover for someone's shift because their kids shift. No I won't stop what I'm doing for a non emergency fix or even an emergency fuck it my time is my time and ill do it doing what I love. Managers and bosses need to step up and stop making us blue collar workers do their job because they think they are better than us.

If you can't find someone to cover a shift or can't find a worker then you as a boss or manager should do it. My manager takes off twice a week turns off the work cell and just can't get ahold of him guess what I'm next in charge and get called naw. Fuck that I have a life. I do my contracted duties and no more. No I won't drop what I'm doing to cover for someone's shift because their kids shift. No I won't stop what I'm doing for a non emergency fix or even an emergency fuck it my time is my time and ill do it doing what I love. Managers and bosses need to step up and stop making us blue collar workers do their job because they think they are better than us.

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