
‘You should have pride in the company to not ask for a raise’

I work in a restaurant in the UK, and we had a lot of new manager changes recently. The job isn’t too difficult but it pays slightly less than some other places in the area, but I don’t mind working here as I know the place back to front, and the slight pay increase hasn’t been worth the effort of trying to work somewhere else. We had a ‘team meeting’ a few days ago, and one of my colleagues half jokingly brought up the fact we are paid less than a few other restaurants in our area. The new manager went crazy at this girl. He started saying we should ‘have enough pride in our company to not say such things’, and that working for the company should be ‘incentive enough’. Safe to say my jaw dropped. Will be handing in my notice in due course.

I work in a restaurant in the UK, and we had a lot of new manager changes recently. The job isn’t too difficult but it pays slightly less than some other places in the area, but I don’t mind working here as I know the place back to front, and the slight pay increase hasn’t been worth the effort of trying to work somewhere else. We had a ‘team meeting’ a few days ago, and one of my colleagues half jokingly brought up the fact we are paid less than a few other restaurants in our area. The new manager went crazy at this girl. He started saying we should ‘have enough pride in our company to not say such things’, and that working for the company should be ‘incentive enough’. Safe to say my jaw dropped. Will be handing in my notice in due course.

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